[Salon] (17) Dave DeCamp on X: "Trump also pulled out of the INF Treaty and Open Skies, bombed Putin's ally in Damascus, and expanded NATO" / X

(I will have my most recent oral history of Richard Falk online in a day or two in which we discuss some of the following a bit.)

Hat tip to Dave DeCamp of Antiwar.com for sharing this piece of overlooked information, of Trump “in his own words.” 

Open this first and listen to the “Great Peacemaker” Donald Trump:

to see the insanity in these three links: 

An event sponsored by The Quincy Institute and The American Conservative

BLUF: "The hawkish wing of the GOP is losing ground to a new crop of conservatives who, thanks to the space opened up by Trump’s challenge to Washington’s foreign policy orthodoxy, are now leading the push against mainstream views on Russia and Ukraine. These conservatives want to bring back a focus on U.S. national interests in foreign policy and are very much on the forefront of the debate over the role the U.S. should play in the Ukrainian conflict, NATO expansion, and the best way to end the war without escalating a nuclear confrontation with Russia."

(Bullshit! They want war against Iran and China First, and then treat Russia as a “mopping up operation,” as so-called "Right-wing Peacenik Kevin Roberts of the Heritage Foundation openly calls for in their Project 2025 “Conspiracy to Wage Aggressive War,” or as they put it, Mandate for Leadership. )

With the latter a painful example as Kinzer wrote so many outstanding histories! But evidently he’s been reading TAC magazine, or listening to this kind of Trump/Republican campaign myth-making: https://quincyinst.org/event/the-new-right-ukraine-marks-major-foreign-policy-shift-among-conservatives/

So to help those who lack the historical knowledge of even the lowest rank Marine, still in boot camp, or who may have had it displaced by Traditional Conservative historical revisionists by the likes of Trump sycophant, Conservative Mollie Hemingway, who can be seen at the link above promoting the Republican Party’s so-called “Right-wing Peaceniks,” and at this link: https://twitter.com/IngrahamAngle/status/1722998081610973287, which turns my stomach with having such a weak stomach in seeing such falsehoods disseminated, here is some history below of “Republican Peacenik Presidents.” With once having gotten Democrat Cleveland out of the way, with annexation of Hawaii almost immediately following, https://www.nea.org/nea-today/all-news-articles/us-occupation-hawaiian-kingdom, the way was cleared for Perpetual War from 1898 until 1933, under all Presidents but Wilson as Republicans. Who under Teddy Roosevelt’s incessant war incitement, was relentlessly denounced for his failure to get the US into WW I immediately, in 1914! With Wilson a Southern Democrat with their own militaristic traditions, which most would eventually bring with them into the Republican Party when the Democrats went in later for African American Constitutional Rights, and the Republicans held firm against them!

"From the 1890s to the 1930s, a series of tropic-zone small wars molded the evolving doctrine of the U.S. Marine Corps."

Little wonder that zealous Zionist Bari Weiss would pick up on this cognitive war campaign meme, to help these same “Right-wing Peaceniks for Zionism” get elected: 

BLUF: "Kochel traced the phenomenon to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential bid. “It harmonized with his larger critique of the establishment and the elites that run the State Department, the top echelons of the military,” he said.

"Niall Ferguson, the Stanford historian who has written extensively on British and American imperialism, said the anti-war right stretches back to the early decades of the twentieth century. “There is the isolationist tradition that goes back a long way but really became marginalized after World War II, because they’d been so wrong, and that strain went into abeyance really until things began to unravel in Iraq,” Ferguson told me.”

There he goes again, as always, “Serving and Promoting the Empire,” and its would-be Emperors, as Ferguson has made a career of; first Bush’s, now Trump’s/Desantis’. 

All this blather we heard about "Trump Fighting the Blob,” omitted that Trump was “Building His Own Blob,” to benefit MIC profiteers Peter Thiel, Koch Industries, and Elon Musk, et al, the Billionaire Oligarchs in other words with their many “State Surveillance” industries they own as central to a new generation of MIC. 

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Trump also pulled out of the INF Treaty and Open Skies, bombed Putin's ally in Damascus, and expanded NATO

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Michael Tracey
Trump continues to boast about how tough he was on Russia, from "ending" the Nordstream pipeline to sending lethal arms to Ukraine. Somehow both Trump opponents and supporters continue to struggle processing this information, so they just omit it from their respective narratives
0:33 / 1:59

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